Friday, May 25, 2012

When the moon shone benevolently

                                                                     When the moon shone benevolently
As Abhinaya made her way swiftly through the woods, her heart fluttered slightly in her chest. She could make out his silhouette in the dark of the night. While she rushed to him and held him lovingly in a gentle embrace, the moon shone benevolently on the lovers...
In all her sixty years, Abhinaya could not recollect a moment of ecstasy greater than that which she had experienced that night, when she saw him for the last time.Had he not promised her that day that he would always be by her side? Had he not promised her that their love would not be an ephemeral one?
In the middle of her musing, Abhinaya smiled to herself. She was proud of him. He had kept his word.He had been there for her and their love had indeed transcended the constraints of time. As had been the custom for the past forty years, she  dressed in a white silk saree and tied her hair in a long French braid. She laid the table in an impeccable manner and called out to him softly.Then she served the wine. It was a day of celebration.It was their fortieth anniversary. She had made his favourite plum cake complete with chocolate icing.After the ceremonial cutting of the cake, it was time to exchange the cards and gifts.
She gently pulled out a red envelope from the drawer and sat down by the candle- light to read it.
"Dear Abhinaya,
Since the time I first met you, I have always felt deeply for you. It is no secret to you. As you already know, I have been very ill.I want you to know that I will be there for you always, if not in body, then in spirit.So, just hold me tight in case of any fear.I will always love you."
Yours forever, Jon."
And they held each other in a gentle embrace while the music played on and the moon shone benevolently...

                                                                                                                                          -2nd October, 2011

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