Friday, May 25, 2012

1/5th Lawyers!

12 hours later I have my Contracts exam, but it's funny how instead of burying myself in my Contracts book, I am facebooking and writing this note to myself.It's probably because I have lately been feeling overwhelmed by emotions. Where people are feeling excited about going home, I am feeling sad about leaving this place. Yes, I am...
I consider this place my home for the next 4 years. Every morning, when I enter the academic block, I thank God for giving me this beautiful place called NALSAR. It's not that every moment that I have spent here has been happy, but that this place has taught me something every moment.
The journey has been scary, unexpected, exciting and enriching, all at the same time. A lot has happened this year. It will take me probably some 100 pages to pen down every experience.  Time has indeed flown. Where one year back, I was learning the difference between void and voidable contracts for the CLAT exam, I am now reading the Indian Contract Act 1872 to pass the B.A. LL.B.(1st year) exam!
And as we proudly like to flaunt, we are 1/5th lawyers already!
                                                                                                       -25th April, 2011

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