Friday, May 25, 2012

1/5th Lawyers!

12 hours later I have my Contracts exam, but it's funny how instead of burying myself in my Contracts book, I am facebooking and writing this note to myself.It's probably because I have lately been feeling overwhelmed by emotions. Where people are feeling excited about going home, I am feeling sad about leaving this place. Yes, I am...
I consider this place my home for the next 4 years. Every morning, when I enter the academic block, I thank God for giving me this beautiful place called NALSAR. It's not that every moment that I have spent here has been happy, but that this place has taught me something every moment.
The journey has been scary, unexpected, exciting and enriching, all at the same time. A lot has happened this year. It will take me probably some 100 pages to pen down every experience.  Time has indeed flown. Where one year back, I was learning the difference between void and voidable contracts for the CLAT exam, I am now reading the Indian Contract Act 1872 to pass the B.A. LL.B.(1st year) exam!
And as we proudly like to flaunt, we are 1/5th lawyers already!
                                                                                                       -25th April, 2011


27th June, 2010: 6:40 p.m.
Today, I sat in a plane for the 1st time. Well, it’s difficult to state in 1 word what I felt about it.
So, let’s start from the break of dawn...
Flashback... Hmm.. not so great weather. Sunny and hot, a lot actually. Had a fight with Devika, felt irritated at... I don’t know what!
Went through the usual routine, said the usual goodbyes to Tanya, Nanaji and Bhaiyya, gave a hug to Vidyaji, then went off with Papa and Devika to the Amausi Airport of Lucknow. It was quite normal actually.
Airport: Got my luggage screened, didn’t know that the tag was supposed to be of ‘Indigo Airlines’, not ‘Kingfisher Airlines’, had to get it screened again. Then finally went to the loading station, correction... , almost went.
Yep, another problem. Wasn’t supposed to be carrying metallic items, I wish I had listened to Papa and kept only my laptop inside. Went back to put scissors and pocket-knife inside the suitcase. Too late, baggage already gone. Had to dispose the things in the dustbin. Sorry Papa about the pocket knife, I wish you hadn’t given it to me this morning, I’ll try to acquire it if I get a chance to buy the same thing again.
2:45 p.m.: Well, depression because of the knife is over, once the plane takes off. Very hospitable people, felt really comfortable.
3:30 p.m.: Plane lands at Indira Gandhi International Airport in Delhi. People destined for Delhi get down, no wait.. everyone has to get down. Why???
Flight to Hyderabad has been delayed, it will reach the destination at 8:45 p.m. instead of 7:10 p.m. Didn’t you hear the announcement in Lucknow?
Oh, of course, forgot to check the flight status, stupid, stupid me!
Thankfully, Shailesh and Uncle are there, went with them. Had food and also called up Papa and Tauji from there. Didn’t even realise how quickly those two hours passed.
6:25 p.m.: Reboarded the flight at Delhi Terminal 1-D and gate 20. Feeling much better, 2nd take-off was much better. Didn’t even need to close my eyes this time,had the courage to look out of the window. View was amazing. The clouds, the Sun behind them at sunset and at night, the skyline all lighted up and yipee, the flight has landed, and I am at Rajiv Gandhi International Airport, Hyderabad.
See ya in NALSAR! (8:45 p.m.)
                                                                                                                                 -29th June, 2010

When the moon shone benevolently

                                                                     When the moon shone benevolently
As Abhinaya made her way swiftly through the woods, her heart fluttered slightly in her chest. She could make out his silhouette in the dark of the night. While she rushed to him and held him lovingly in a gentle embrace, the moon shone benevolently on the lovers...
In all her sixty years, Abhinaya could not recollect a moment of ecstasy greater than that which she had experienced that night, when she saw him for the last time.Had he not promised her that day that he would always be by her side? Had he not promised her that their love would not be an ephemeral one?
In the middle of her musing, Abhinaya smiled to herself. She was proud of him. He had kept his word.He had been there for her and their love had indeed transcended the constraints of time. As had been the custom for the past forty years, she  dressed in a white silk saree and tied her hair in a long French braid. She laid the table in an impeccable manner and called out to him softly.Then she served the wine. It was a day of celebration.It was their fortieth anniversary. She had made his favourite plum cake complete with chocolate icing.After the ceremonial cutting of the cake, it was time to exchange the cards and gifts.
She gently pulled out a red envelope from the drawer and sat down by the candle- light to read it.
"Dear Abhinaya,
Since the time I first met you, I have always felt deeply for you. It is no secret to you. As you already know, I have been very ill.I want you to know that I will be there for you always, if not in body, then in spirit.So, just hold me tight in case of any fear.I will always love you."
Yours forever, Jon."
And they held each other in a gentle embrace while the music played on and the moon shone benevolently...

                                                                                                                                          -2nd October, 2011

The Birthday that was not remembered

                                                                            The Birthday that was not remembered
As Shree stood still looking at the moonless night on the terrace, she couldn't help fighting back tears of grief...It was her 20th birthday, but she didn't quite feel like a birthday girl that day. As she gazed far into the vast emptiness of the night sky, she searched for the brightest star. This star had always held great significance for her for it  reminded her of her greatest and dearest friend and confidante... the person who had always made her feel special on her birthday, the one who had given her the sweetest and most memorable gifts every year.  Shree had been waiting impatiently for the call. Where was her friend?
She went back to her room to find the most delectable chocolate cake sitting on her study-table. But nothing seemed to please her that day. Even the idea of devouring the cake all by herself failed to bring a smile to her face. Shree flipped through the pages of her photo album. She could see herself in the pages, smiling and cutting the cake on her first birthday.Ah! There was her friend by her side looking on while she blew off the candle on her cake. Her friend re-appeared later as Shree hugged her first teddy on her fifth birthday. This too had been gifted by her dear friend.  Shree looked tearfully through the pages of the album and finally slammed it shut. The pain was inexorable. She waited for the call despite knowing the futility of it all. As the night passed by, she slowly cried herself to sleep. All her other friends had wished her. Everyone except that friend remembered her birthday.
The next morning she donned a pretty white kurta and faded jeans. While she brushed back her smooth shoulder-length hair, she could not help but feel angry at the person who had disappointed her the most that day. She resolved to confront  her friend and to ask her how she could forget her birthday. There had to be a darn good reason for it.
She walked through the lane behind the Church. As she turned the corner, she could see her friend  at a distance. She slowly laid the white flowers beside the grave and left a letter addressed to her friend. It read-
" To the most special and unforgettable person in my life,
  I was infuriated when you did not call on my birthday. The day seemed so morbid without having you beside me. I am so used to having you by my side, I am used to being wished by you first on my birthday, I am used to having you gift me the things on my wish list, I am used to being hugged warmly by you and I am used to being loved by you. It will take me some time however to get "un-used" to so many things . I need time to get over you, but try as I may I know I will never be able to forget you. So, be there by my side. I need you.
Your loving daughter, Shree".- 
                                                                                                                                            23rd September, 2011.