Tuesday, May 10, 2011

PLAN-does it ever work?

                                      PLAN- Does it ever work?
Plan, plan, plan, plan, plan- I plan to study in my vacation. I plan to complete my reading list and finish every single book on it. I plan to update myself regularly. Now, which of these plans actually gets executed on time?
And this makes me come to a more crucial question- does a wondrous thing such as a PLAN exist or is it the art of knowing how to make a good plan that is imperative? A “good” plan as in...that which is realistic and easy to follow. We all claim to know what a plan is and how to make one. But honestly ask yourself how many of these plans work out. Again, if they don’t work out, is the plan at fault or the planner? Should a plan be such that works out itself, in any given circumstances? Does the responsibility of making a plan a success rest upon the person making it in the first place? I guess it works both ways.  
From a famous (rather infamous) political figure to a popular opera star, I wonder how many of them actually knew what life had in store for them, when they made a humble beginning in their respective spheres of excellence. Of course, they must have had some plan in mind. So, what I am trying to say is that no matter how much we plan and persevere to stick to the plan, Destiny overrides the plan. You’re lucky if your Destiny and Plan go hand in hand.
However, the very fact that all plans don’t work out makes most people stop planning in the first place. They prefer the unplanned unimagined way of life. Suits them well, I suppose.
But for a person like me, the idea of the unknown seems a little scary. Not knowing for instance what kind of a lawyer I’ll be four years from now (I have reasons to doubt that I’ll even be a lawyer!) sometimes pushes me to do a hair-pulling exercise, where I wish that I had a “looking-glass” sort of thing which could unveil the future to me.
At the cost of sounding a little cynical perhaps, I feel that making those big “elaborate” plans entails with it the huge responsibility of making those plans work and equally huge is the disappointment of seeing those plans not getting executed as they should. So, the lesson here is-keep life simple, make plans that are simple and simply stick to those plans!

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