Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A couple of stylish interns and more...

As law students, we get very less time to study law. Most of our time in law school goes into  meeting deadlines, plagiarizing projects and trying to get Professors to cut down on syllabus. Trust me, the time and energy we invest into making sure that our plagiarism is not caught (These professors are way smarter than we think they are!), can be used for "nobler" things. However, as we all know... Lawyers are supposed to be cunning rascals, and that's exactly what law school teaches you to be!

"In the first year, everyone loves everyone else, but by the time you come to third year, you're lucky if you aren't murdered in your sleep"- Rudy Baylor (The Rainmaker)

So, this time I made great elaborate plans of spending my vacation doing serious stuff, you know, like taking internships seriously and learning under the "great minds of the legal profession". So, when my other half, Devika suggested the idea of interning under a Family Lawyer, I jumped at the opportunity, Ah!, here would be a great chance to show off my knowledge of The Hindu Marriage Act 1955 and the Special Marriage Act 1954 and the Hindu Adoptions and Maintenance Act 1956, etcetera etcetera..

Well, first day of internship, we interns were unusually punctual and the lawyer was even more unusually unpunctual, so we had no choice but to wait outside the office. I was already feeling enervated by the Lucknow heat, which seemed to be at its best even at 6:45 in the evening. It was then that Devika asked me whether her Flying Machine bag was going with her new Converse slippers. I looked at her in disbelief. I mean, for a person who was already feeling frustrated, what with exhaustion and the million other things that come gratis with the Lucknow loo, it seemed a little too much to take at that moment.
Luckily, the lawyer arrived and as I took my first step into his Chambers, I could start imagining what my Life would be, say 5 years from now, when I do decide to practise the law...

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