Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Faraway Place called NALSAR

A faraway place called NALSAR
Close your eyes for a minute, sit back and relax... enjoy the soft misty view of the lake, dip your feet in its refreshing water and let the breeze run smoothly through your hair. With no one around for miles, you can enjoy the serenity and the aesthetics of the place. For that one minute, you can actually meditate and lose yourself among the water that splashes intermittently onto the rocks. Not far from the place, you can take a walk in the deer sanctuary and if it’s your lucky day, you might even see a few spotted deer.
How would it be then had you been living in the midst of this place, where each day you would walk till the lake, each walk being the most memorable one? Would you not have treasured such a life?
This picturesque scene that I just described is not a mere mirage. This place very much exists and I feel that I am the most fortunate person to be a part of this. Both within and without the portals of Justice City, there is an invincible, unbroken calm that prevails. The pulchritude of the campus is beyond words.[1] It was love at first sight for me too. You see, this place kind of draws you to itself. [2]
This is the very place that I used to dream of when I aspired to study law.[3] Coming here was like a dream come true. And now that I am here, I never tire of its beauty. Every morning when I get up and make my way hurriedly to the Academic Block after a quick breakfast in the Dining Hall, I fall in love with the place all over again. Such is the attraction that this place holds for whoever sets eyes on it.
From the magnificent letters JUSTICE CITY written bold in gold outside the campus to the imposing letters nalsar outside the Academic Block, this place has an air of magnificence and grace. It seems as if nature itself had intended that Life flourish in this quiet place tucked away in an unknown corner of Shamirpet. This is the very abode of a plethora of creatures.[4]
Even the greatest Wordsworth of our time would fail to describe the joy that one would feel here in NALSAR.
This gurukul of learning teaches one many a lesson of Life. After graduating from NALSAR with a degree, one will always take back much more than one hoped from this place.
As I slowly count my days to the beginning of the third semester, I ponder my first year at NALSAR and the first thing that comes to my mind is how the year has actually flown.
And as NALSAR continues to weave its magic on me, I never stop gazing at it in awe.

[1] Recently, when my twin Devika visited my campus to surprise me, she actually felt that I was living and studying in a place similar to National Botanical Research Institute!
[2] Sangeetha Kottillil, my batch mate and friend, once told me-“This place starts to grow on you after some time.”
[3] I vividly remember that when I was preparing for CLAT, I used to go through the photo of Justice City Gate in the CLAT brochure every night before going to sleep.
[4] Reader, kindly draw your attention to the fact that on the last day of our 1st semester (October, 2010), a leopard happened to be lurking somewhere in our campus. The poor hungry leopard happened to have eaten two of our very dear pet dogs- NLS and NUJS.

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