Tuesday, April 5, 2011

In the Lawyers' Classroom

Have you ever found yourself seriously pondering different ways of committing suicide...whether consuming a quick fatal dose would be better than the slow painful murders of students committed by teachers?
If you have... good! Welcome to law school!!!
Ask one question and end up being cross-questioned. Come to class with a couple of doubts and end up carrying back a dozen more! Well, this confusing, “misconfusing”, world is a dear little lawyer’s classroom.
Now, in school (Ah, those sweet memories)... yes, in school, you will be well protected by your teachers, ask them a straight question and you’ll get a straight answer. The path ahead is umm... more or less straight. You graduate from school and enter law school.    
First day of class...Good morning! The bright shining enthusiastic face with which you enter your first class becomes dull and morbid by the time you exit. Why???
           The academic road in law school is full of twists and turns, and that is what makes it all the more fun!!! Here, you will be compelled to think, to arrive at answers yourself. Classes do not mean long boring hours of lectures, rather lectures are coupled with healthy debates and discussions, that give you a whole other perspective of looking at a particular subject. Each day, while you come to know a lot, you also come to know what you don’t know. That is the very beauty of classes here.
 That’s a stark difference between the teaching methodologies followed in school and here in law school.
As a first year student at NALSAR, I have found that while this kind of learning can sometimes push you upto a “saturation” level, it is a very very enriching experience. You can be assured that such a kind of learning will not give you mere fleeting knowledge, but will provide you with concrete in-depth knowledge of a subject. You will be compelled to think about things that you might have take for granted earlier. Your peers are your best teachers here. The first few months at NALSAR made me realize that it is an important scholar’s choice that students have to make- Studying for marks or studying to learn more. I am sure you know which is wiser J
Law school ensures that the rust from your brain is removed and instead a highly polished surface is seen emerged!  NALSAR  truly lives up to its promise of “chiselling” the already present lawyer’s instinct in the students just like a sculptor carves and brings out the already present beauty in his sculpture.
So, while in  NALSAR, do as the NALSARites do!